An authentic need for personal fulfillment is the coexistence between the human being and the beauty of a natural environment.
Costa Rica Alternative Education
Orion Vivencial 2020 Workshops in Casa Sulà.
Orion offers a series of workshops that will enlighten and inspire you!
1st Orion Vivencial 2020 – Workshop February 24 to 28
Accompaniment in environments prepared for autonomous learning 03-18 years.
Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Some aspects of Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development that we take into account when creating environments and attending the children in Casa Sulà.
El universo de los recursos didácticos. (Spanish)
En un espacio preparado para el aprendizaje con base en la libertad contamos con una amplia variedad de recursos sensoriales, motrices y operativos,
¿Saludar o agradecer? (Spanish)
…en Sulà no sugerimos o animamos a saludar o agradecer.