Community program.
At Casa Sulà we try to promote relaxed spaces prepared for community gatherings. We receive families from all over the world and we believe in the wealth that cultural exchange generates, which is why we organize different events throughout the year to stimulate said exchange.
Programa internacional de intercambio juvenil (semillero 3)
Desde Casa Sulà estimulamos los intercambios juveniles como parte del programa ‘Conocer el mundo’ dirigido a jóvenes de semillero 3.
Si bien son los jóvenes interesados los que deben organizarlo (con toda nuestra ayuda y soporte, por supuesto, en conjunto con los padres y las madres), desde Casa Sulà lo consideramos una vivencia muy enriquecedora para su formación, proceso de independización y entendimiento del mundo.
En 2022 se realizó el primer intercambio con la escuela Villa Monte en Suiza. Tuvo una duración de 3 meses en los cuales realizaron 3 semanas de gira en bicicleta con destino final Barcelona, España y 15 días de convivencia en Francia.
Sulà Market
Every Wednesday from 2pm (dismissal time for children and young people) the Sulà market is held.
A relaxed atmosphere with good music, special guests and stalls selling clothes, food, natural stones and many healthy things so that everyone who wants to can come to enjoy, share, buy and have a nice time in the community.
You can check the days of the event in our calendar and more details in the instagram @casasulamarket.
Feria del mango
It is organized twice a year, reaching the end of each cycle, in which boys and girls from Semillero 2 and Semillero 3 can participate.
The participants must organize themselves to prepare their stall or stand for the sale of objects, meals or whatever they wish to prepare. They can do it individually or associate with other colleagues and / or colleagues. Participation is optional and the accompaniment of families is requested in the preparation process.
The event is accompanied by music and many families bring food, drinks and snacks to share or to sell.
End of cycle lunch
It is normally held on the last day of the cycle and is the meeting that brings together the entire educational community of Casa Sulà.
All the families, companions and people who are part of the Sulà team and who make this beautiful project possible every day, we share a great lunch with music (from the Casa Sulà band) and a nice festive atmosphere.
The entire event is prepared together with the children and young people. The food is prepared by Sulà’s kitchen and families are asked to bring a dessert with a sign with the ingredients written on it.
We invite you to view our calendar to keep abreast of our upcoming community events.
For more information, please contact us.